Disk No: 2508 Disk Title: PC-Schematics PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: PC-Schematics Author Version: 3.2 Author Registration: $20.00 Special Requirements: 512K RAM, CGA, and DOS 3.0+ PC-SCHEMATIC lets you draw electrical schematics, create printed circuit art work, draw electronic timing and clock diagrams, block diagrams, and more. After starting the program, you are shown a empty drawing board. To start drawing, simply use the cursor keys to draw lines or select any of the standard characters or electrical components from the menus. Use the standard components (336 are included) or create your own; PC- SCHEMATIC lets you store up to 4096 components that can be used again and again. You can also copy, move, and automatically repeat components. You can even work on two drawings at one time. When you're finished drawing, you can save to disk or print to a standard dot matrix printer. Ample documentation and on-screen help get you started -- you decide where to stop. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989-1991 PC-SIG, Inc.